بالنقر فوق "قبول الكل"، فإنك توافق على تخزين ملفات تعريف الارتباط على جهازك لتحسين التنقل في الموقع، وتحليل استخدام الموقع، والمساعدة في جهودنا التسويقية.
Fundus examination and follow-up of diabetic patients
Early diagnosis of retinal diseases in diabetics Early detection and diagnosis of vision problems, errors of refraction abd squint in children from four years old
Early detection of Lacrimal duct obstruction and diseases in children and infants from six months old
Performing cataract surgeries with the latest technology
ICL Implantation for shortsight correction in high myopia
Lacrimal system and Oculoplastic surgeries also orbital and eyelids tumors.
Brief profile
Dr. Essam Ragab is a highly qualified Opthalmologist graduated at Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams University, He also studied Ophthalmology and Ophthalmic surgeries as a part of program of Egyptian Board Fellowship in Ophthalmology, He trained at the Eye Research Institute of Opthalmology, He performs cataract surgery and intravitreal injections for retinal diseases, He also performs shortsighted correction of high myopia by implants of ICL, In addition to subspecialty in lacrimal system surgery, oculoplastic surgeries and tumors of the eyelids and orbit
Egyptian Board Fellowship, Research Institute of Ophthalmology