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Occupation & Aviation Medicine

Occupational Medicine Department

Medical Fitness:

Our Medical Fitness department is dedicated to assessing the fitness of employees across all sectors of Saudi Arabian Airlines and monitoring environmental factors directly related to the working environment. The major evaluations performed by this department include:

  • On-request evaluations
  • Annual check-ups
  • Non-DestructiveTesting (NDT)
  • Run-up & Taxi license examinations
  • Pre-employment examinations
  • Extension of service examinations
  • Disability (total or partial) evaluation and compensation determination
  • Medical and psychological assessments for frequent absences
  • Medical and psychological assessments for frequent accidents

Occupational and Environmental Safety:

This departmentevaluates the main environmental components according to international healthstandards and ensures the implementation of safety procedures and regulationsrelated to physical, chemical, and mechanical hazards.

Aviation Medicine Department

The Aviation Medicine Department at Medical Fakeeh is an established unit equipped with a laboratory to perform various examinations for airmen. This department boasts qualified doctors, highly trained nursing staff, and a fully equipped secretarial team.The primary function of this department is to liaise with the Federal AviationAdministration (FAA) and the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA).Additional tasks performed by this department include:

  • Issuing FAA and GACA medical licenses for cockpit and cabin crew (all classes: 1, 2, 3)
  • Issuing insurance reports for cockpit and cabin crew
  • Administering crew vaccinations
  • Providing health education for cockpit and cabin crew
  • Conducting Comprehensive Drug Screens (CDS)
  • Participating in flying tests for cockpit crew in special cases
  • Managing the investigation, treatment, and referral (if needed) for cockpit and cabin crew

Programs Related to the Aviation Medicine Department

Emergency ResponseProgram (Go Team):

Our Emergency Response Program includes doctors from various specialties who form a critical link in the Go Team chain.This team also comprises safety and accident experts from different sectors of the organization, under the leadership of the general manager. The significanceof this team is outlined as follows:

  • Maintaining a high level of readiness to respond to emergencies or accidents
  • Developing a medical strategy to support research, investigation, and safety teams
  • Assigning responsibilities to team members and forming committees to communicate with:
    • Media
    • Family support team
    • Public and private hospitals
    • Reporting on critical and stable cases

Automated ExternalDefibrillator (AED) No-Go Items:

The Aviation Medicine Department is responsible for purchasing AEDs and ensuring all Saudi a flights are equipped with these devices. Responsibilities include:

  • Ensuring all devices function properly
  • Performing maintenance, including providing batteries and spare parts
  • Ensuring AEDs are available on each flight

Doctors Emergency Kit (DEK):

The DEK is a case equipped with emergency devices and medications prepared according to IOSA standards.Responsibilities include:

  • Providing these kits
  • Checking for expired or used medications
  • Preparing international forms in each DEK for usage
  • Ensuring all cases are sealed and ready

Communicable Disease Program Implementation on Flights:

This program isachieved by establishing a set of procedures and regulations for each sector tomanage communicable diseases effectively.

Our References:


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